Swimming pool foam which appears as large, difficult-to-pop air bubbles at the surface, is among the frequent issues you’ll encounter. To be clear, typical pool bubbles pop with a light pressure, have little tension, and are light in weight.
Pool foaming can be caused by a variety of things.
- An imbalance of chemicals
- Poor swimming hygiene
- Drainage problems
- Products for cleaning pools
So, how do you deal with pool foaming in VA, MD & DC:
Adjust the pool’s chemical composition
One of the causes of pool foaming is an imbalance in the chlorine levels. As a result, you should examine the pool’s PH status as well as its alkalinity levels. The appropriate PH ranges from 7.2 to 7.6, whereas the appropriate alkaline level should be between 800 and 120 ppm.
Here’s how to strike a balance between the aforementioned factors:
– PH levels: Add sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate to boost PH levels if it’s lower than 7.2. Add PH minus to lower a PH that is above 7.6.
– Alkaline levels: Apply a strong acid like muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate to lower the alkaline levels. You can use these acids to manage both acidity and alkalinity levels but with varying rates.
Drain & refill
One option to think about is draining, particularly following a busy holiday season or high volume of pool activity. When there is a heavy chemical load, it is also an option. You have the option to clean the walls, drains, and the entire system while it is being drained.
Test the chemical makeup of the pool after it has been drained and filled with fresh water. To balance the chemical composition, use the test results.
Use anti-foam chemicals
As an addition to the other chemical balancing techniques, use anti-foam substances. After regulating the levels of acidity and alkalinity, the antifoam solution aids in removing any remaining foam.
Hair and skin care products
The cleanliness of your swimming pool is directly impacted by the behavior of your swimmers. To that aim, foam is produced in the water as a result of the buildup of skin and hair care products such hair gel, hairspray, shampoo, and conditioners.
Public pool users’ poor cleanliness causes foam to grow more quickly than in private pools, where swimmer conduct may be more easily regulated and controlled. Inform pool users that they should rinse their hair, especially after using shampoo, before entering the water.\
High Bath Load
The possibility of pool foam generation increases with the number of swimmers. Many users combine body oils, perspiration, and toiletry products to hasten foam creation. Some people with medical issues could unintentionally pass urine, which speeds up the foaming process.
Solution: Use the chlorine or shocking procedure to eliminate the contaminants in the pool.
Preventive Tip: Ensure all pool users take a shower or rinse off before entering the pool.