Pool renovation

Skimmer Replacements

Pool skimmers work by drawing water from the surface of the pool and compelling it into your filtration system.

What are pool skimmers?

Pool skimmers work by drawing water from the surface of the pool and compelling it into your filtration system, getting rid of dirt and debris before they sink to the bottom of your pool and contaminate all of the water and stain the surface. An improperly functioning pool skimmer can lead to a variety of problems, such as: algae growth, cloudy pool water, pool pump damage, pool tile damange, health issues

A proper pool skimmer is composed of several parts that work together to clean your pool. It involves a “mouth” attached to the interior side of your pool, which uses a suction tool to collect any debris, including leaves and hair. Once this debris is in the mouth, it will be pulled into a skimmer basket. This prevents the dirt from clogging your regular filtration system.

All you have to do is clean out the skimmer basket about a couple times a week and the skimmer will do the rest of the work for you, maintaining the cleanliness of your pool and preventing any long-term contamination issues from occurring.

A skimmer doesn’t work alone. When getting your pool skimmer installed, it’s recommended to have your pool undergo an evaluation to make sure it doesn’t need anything else. Pool skimmers collaborate with different elements to keep your pool clean, such as: pool pumps, filters, water chemistry

Skimmer replacement closeup

Two new skimmers – Alexandria, VA

Replacing a skimmer

Three new skimmers – Great Falls, VA

How can the Dolphin Pool Team assist you with pool skimmer replacement?

Our team at Dolphin Pool offers repairs, installations and inspections for all of these tasks, going the extra length to make sure that your pool is in the best shape possible.

After installing your pool skimmer, we will work with you to make sure that it’s performing to your satisfaction. We also use high-quality products, which increases the longevity of your skimmer and reduces the chances of any break-down issues.

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